Friday, March 25, 2011

Flowers for Algernon

Charlie views friendship as the people who laugh at him. He thinks that their his friend's, but really their not. Instead they get him to do stuff, just to laugh at him and make fun of him, but really he thinks that when he makes them laugh, it's a good thing, so he continues to do what they say. I think charlie's only friend in the story so far is Gimpy, because Gimpy is always taking up for Charlie when the boys make fun of him and get him to do stuff. To be someones friend, theirs alot of things you should be...You should always be there for them, through the good and bad times. They should always be able to trust you and rely on you, they should know your always going to be there to back them up, and help them. When your someones friend, you should care alot about them, and like them for who they are, you shouldn't try to change them into something else. You should lead them the right way, and help them make tough decisions.

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