Friday, March 25, 2011

Flowers for Algernon

Charlie views friendship as the people who laugh at him. He thinks that their his friend's, but really their not. Instead they get him to do stuff, just to laugh at him and make fun of him, but really he thinks that when he makes them laugh, it's a good thing, so he continues to do what they say. I think charlie's only friend in the story so far is Gimpy, because Gimpy is always taking up for Charlie when the boys make fun of him and get him to do stuff. To be someones friend, theirs alot of things you should be...You should always be there for them, through the good and bad times. They should always be able to trust you and rely on you, they should know your always going to be there to back them up, and help them. When your someones friend, you should care alot about them, and like them for who they are, you shouldn't try to change them into something else. You should lead them the right way, and help them make tough decisions.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Personality Characteristics(:

     My personality is the Gold color style, and it describes me in many ways. Gold's are hard-working and dedicated to their families. Their children are raised to listen to set rules and are taught a strong sense of what is right and wrong. They are well-organized and punctual, Golds thrive on regularity, efficient use of time, and predictability. Their work and nature are "as good as gold." Some characteristics of the Gold color style that describe me, is that I am prepared, I think ahead to be ready in advance, I get uncomfortable when I have to put off things until the last minute. I love to plan, I always see how one thing can lead to another. I am conservative and stable, I like having a sense of security, and I value order. I am most comfortable with a structured environment, I like to know what to expect and what is expected from me. I GET STRESSED WHEN THING'S DON'T GO AS PLANNED! My joy is to feel "in control."
     Before I make a decision, I stop to think.... When I say I will do something, I will follow through and do it. I have a mischievous side that others are surprised to see when revealed. 0thers may see me as rigid, I never relax or allow others to relax or enjoy leisure. They may see me as restricted, unable to go with the flow, bend with circumstances. They may see me as stubborn, I have to have things a particular way, once a decision is made, I will stick to it even if there is a better choice. They may also see me as self righteous, which is when I believe my way is the "right" way. They definitely probably see me as uptight, I worry way too much, I never loosen up.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Maria Robinson earned her BA from the Writing Seminars at Johns Hopkins University.

This quote is a representative of my life because it reflects on how i can't go back in time and start something new, or that i can't start a new life. But it tells me that at any moment i can start today the right way, and start the rest of my life the right way, and make a new and better ending. This quote makes me feel like I have the opportunity  to do whatever i want to with my life, and that i have the opportunity to end my life the way i want too.
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"
                                          -Maria Robinson